This is a developer-level article. If you’re unfamiliar with PHP and/or editing files, codes and templates, as well as with resolving possible conflict, please seek help from our support for small changes.
Add this code to your child theme functions.php file:
// Add cart icon in top bar
function prefix_add_cart_icon() {
if ( true === olympus_get_option( 'add_cart_icon' ) ) {
remove_action( 'olympus_after_navigation', 'olympus_woocommerce_add_cart_icon', 20 );
add_action( 'olympus_after_topbar_container_inner', 'olympus_woocommerce_add_cart_icon' );
add_action( 'wp', 'prefix_add_cart_icon' );
You can change olympus_after_topbar_container_inner
by the hook you want, to add the cart icon at the end of the secondary menu, replace it with olympus_after_second_nav
All PHP snippets should be added via a child theme’s functions.php file.